Greenskies and GID Energize 130 kW of Rooftop Solar for Pavona Apartments by Windsor

North American Clean Energy | Staff
August 6, 2024

GID, a vertically-integrated real estate developer, investor and operator, and Greenskies Clean Focus, a national leader in renewable energy solutions, announced the completion of a commercial solar system at Pavona Apartments by Windsor in downtown San Jose, CA.

The 320-module, 130 kW rooftop solar system is expected to generate over 180,000 kWh of clean energy annually, the equivalent of powering 25 homes or avoiding over 125 tons of CO2 emitted per year. (Source: US EPA Greenhouse Gas Calculator)

“At GID we continue to value opportunities that support both our fiduciary responsibility and uphold our long-term environmental sustainability commitments” said Phil Carmody SVP, Head of ESG at GID. “We’re thrilled to have partnered with Greenskies to increase our renewable energy production and are looking forward to measuring the impact going forward.”

Greenskies developed and financed the project for GID with no upfront cost through a 25-year Power Purchase Agreement (PPA). As the long-term owner and operator of the system, Greenskies will provide ongoing maintenance, ensuring the sustainability and efficiency of the solar system for years to come.

“It's been a pleasure working with GID to see this project through,” said Stanley Chin, President and CEO of Greenskies. “Distributed generation solar provides a great opportunity for commercial property owners to realize additional value from their existing portfolio through significant energy cost savings and reduced carbon emissions.”

GID has long been a champion of sustainability, incorporating Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles and leveraging its investment, development, and management experience to enhance the communities where they invest, live, and operate.

Installing on-site solar at this property helps mitigate ongoing energy challenges in California, from systemic power shortages to rapidly increasing energy prices, by increasing resiliency and delivering reliable, low-cost, clean, renewable energy.

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